Monday, February 22, 2010

Monday Blues......

The sun was shinning fiercely burning me inside the car as I was driving to fetch my sister. The Red Rede FM was tuning some really decent oldies as far as the 60s in their afternoon show. With a DJ's voice as deep as the good old Patrick Teo who used to be with Radio 4. No fancy Hip Hop, no dirty lyrics. It brought back memories when my father used to play a lot of these oldies when I was little. Which I never really did appreciate back then, I ranted for the Backstreet boys instead. And now after a good 28 years, I find myself being absorb into these sentimental oldies. I started listening every now and then. Which got me being complained by the people around me for being such an old folk. I guess being sentimental is a part of aging process ? 


suituapui said...

Rede...not Red. You're talking about the Kuching station, I guess. RedFm is a different West Malaysian station. You're into oldies now? Definitely growing old! LOL!!! said...

maybe u r just more matured lolz

nanged u.OMG, I received 144 million from saddam hussein!!! Nang this to read about it!

JLean said...

Checking out ur site ere. =). Nanged. Digi blackberry

Charles said...

@ STP : Yeah...i sensed the sign of aging too and thanks for the correction.

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